November 12th, 2021
To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,
I hope this edition of Yvette's Gazette finds you well! Before we get into the details of today's newsletter, I want to give you a reminder of my newsletter's new bi-weekly schedule, meaning you can expect to hear from me again on Friday, November 26th.
In the meantime, thank you for tuning in to hear from me on the work I have done in Congress. Always remember, I cannot do it alone. Through the support of passionate individuals such as yourself, we bring tangible, meaningful change to our district.
To reach out to my office, send us an email at If you’d like to call, you can reach my D.C. office at 202-225-6231 or my Brooklyn office at 718-287-1142. Remember to encourage your neighbors to sign up for this newsletter at
If you’d like daily updates on my work in Congress, visit my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I wish you well, and I look forward to my next opportunity to get in touch with you.
Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress
Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance
For those struggling following the recent destruction of Hurricane Ida, you can apply for FEMA disaster assistance at, through the FEMA mobile app, or by calling the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362. Be aware, the deadline to apply for FEMA disaster assistance is Monday, Dec. 6!
NHS Brooklyn's Upcoming Events

Disaster Relief Extension
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has extended the deadline for businesses of all sizes, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters to apply for a physical disaster loan to Dec. 6, 2021. Anyone in the listed NY counties with physical property damage due to the remnants of Hurricane Ida on Sept. 1 – 3, 2021 should apply for an SBA low-interest disaster loan. Apply online using the Electronic Loan Application here. Businesses and individuals may also obtain information and loan applications by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339) for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) or sending an email to [email protected].
Child Tax Credit Update
On Monday, Nov. 1, the IRS launched a new feature allowing any family receiving monthly Child Tax Credit payments to update their income using the Child Tax Credit Update Portal (CTC UP), found exclusively on The IRS has created a special Advance Child Tax Credit 2021 page designed to provide the most up-to-date information about the credit and the advance payments, which you can find here.
Relief for Landlords
Governor Hochul recently announced that New York's landlords can now apply for unpaid rent relief through newly available $125 million in state funding. With priority being given to landlords owning small-to-medium-sized properties, this funding could cover up to 12 months of past-due rent. To learn more on this relief opportunity, please click here.
Excelsior Pass Plus App
New York's recently launched Excelsior Pass Plus app contains a secure, digital record of your COVID-19 vaccination history. With information such as vaccine type, site, and date of vaccination, the app provides New Yorkers with the an easy to use means of accessing their records whenever needed. Learn more about the Excelsior Pass Plus and Excelsior Pass here.
New York's Emergency Rental Assistance Program
New York State's Emergency Rental Assistance Program is now open to applicants. For low and moderate-income households facing instability with their housing, this program will provide invaluable aid in the form of rental arrears, temporary rental assistance and utility arrears assistance. For more information, and to apply, click here.
Getting Vaccinated
To overcome the COVID-19 virus once and for all, it will take as many of us as possible to do our part and get vaccinated. If you haven’t received your COVID-19 vaccine but are interested in doing so, and New Yorkers ages 12 years and older can receive their vaccine at select sites across our city found here. If you’d like to make an appointment to get vaccinated, please click here to find a location that best suits you. For New Yorkers who are ages 75 and older, an in-home vaccination appointment can be made here, or by calling 1-877-VAX-4-NYC. We are so close to the finish line; let’s cross it together!
Hi all, and welcome again to the "Constituent Corner"! This new component of the newsletter is an incredible opportunity to share with you all some of the work my staff back home in Brooklyn has done to support our community. Make sure to check in here to learn a bit more on how our team has helped constituents such as yourself navigate complex issues, as well as to hear touching stories from those most grateful for our work.
Cases Open: My staff is always hard at work assisting our constituents. Today, we have a total of 680 active cases, which we work every day towards resolving. These cases can involve anything from trouble securing hard-earned social security checks to difficulties with your passport. If you have an issue you are struggling with that you believe we can assist with, please do not hesitate to reach out to my Brooklyn office.
Cases Closed: Within the past 15 days, my staff closed 218 cases from constituents, meaning 218 issues our neighbors in the 9th District brought to my team's attention were resolved.
Sponsored Legislation: The past two weeks, I introduced the following bill to the House of Representatives:
H.R. 5836
My bill, the Enhancing DIVERSITY Data Act of 2021, would require and empower the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to begin collecting employment data to determine the diversity of broadcasters and networks across the United States. Women and people of color have been historically excluded from media resources in the United States and faced debilitating barriers of entry to the media market. This bill would address these inequities by increasing the diversity of broadcasters to reflect the unique perspectives of the listeners and consumers they serve. The FCC must strive to promote diversity, localism, and inclusion in the broadcast and multichannel programming market, and I am proud to ensure that they meet this crucial responsibility.
Co-Sponsored Legislation: The past two weeks, I lent my support and commitment to the following bills:
H.R. 5842
This bill, the Ending the Monopoly Power Over Workplace Harassment Through Education and Reporting (EMPOWER) Act would lift the veil of secrecy surrounding workplace harassment by strengthening employee protections and increasing transparency to create safer workplace environments across America. Survivors of sexual harassment should be empowered to speak out against hostile work environments without fear of retaliation. It’s time to put an end to the culture of silence surrounding workplace harassment.
H.R. 5897
This bill, the Fair and Clear Campaign Transparency Act, would modernize the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCCs) reporting requirements related to political advertising to increase both transparency and accountability. Voters must be properly informed and educated, especially during election cycles, to make informed decisions at the polls. Central to this process is understanding who is financing political ads. This legislation will ensure that the American people can easily and properly understand who is trying to influence our elections.
We have seized the moment in our fight to rejuvenate the crumbling and outdated infrastructure of our nation by passing the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Democrats fought to address the climate crisis, expand broadband access and affordability, and modernize our public transit to ensure all communities can succeed in the 21st Century. However, we still have work to do for the American people. I now look forward to passing the Build Back Better Act in the coming weeks to deliver generational investments and relief that our communities so desperately need. I stand ready to advance this critical and transformative legislation that Brooklyn is counting on. The passage of the Infrastructure bill was one giant step forward, and now it’s time to bring on the other good foot to allow our country to stand firm in support of all of her people, and continue to Build Back Better.
I wholeheartedly welcome the exciting news of the appointment of New York State Assemblyman Nick Perry as the new U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica. Mr. Perry brings a host of experience and the cultural background necessary to successfully fulfill his new mission. He possesses the utmost integrity, a commitment to service, and a unique perspective and personal understanding of the Jamaican socio-political landscape that will further strengthen the ties between both our nations. Mr. Perry’s deep cultural and political ties to his Jamaican roots as well as the broader Caribbean communities makes his appointment as U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica the right choice at the right moment in our progressive trajectory as a nation. I was honored to nominate him for this important service to the country, and I am confident he will represent the United States and Jamaica well. This is certainly a proud moment, not only for New Yorkers, but for all those rooted in the rich heritage of Jamaica. On behalf of everyone I represent in New York’s 9th District, congratulations Mr. Ambassador.