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Real News for Real Americans

BREAKING: Chicago Braces – They Are Ready For The End

BREAKING: Fox News Host Pulls The Trigger – It’s Happening


BREAKING NEWS from a top Washington insider:

"Biden's hidden advisors are secretly organizing a power-grab the likes of which America has never seen..."

The time to act is right NOW.

Biden MUST be brought to justice for his ILLEGAL mandates, his ABANDONMENT of the southern border, and his DESERTION of American citizens in Afghanistan. Biden and his minions have run roughshod over the Constitution far too long, but grassroots patriots are leading the charge to hold Biden accountable for his treasonous actions.

BidenGate is being exposed as the most horrific abuse of Presidential powers in modern history - complete incompetence right to the core. We are coming to the bottom of this now and its not going to be pretty.

We the People DEMAND:

  • The INDICTMENT of Joseph Biden, forcing him to answer to a Federal Judge and in front of the American people regarding his illegal and unconstitutional mandates.
  • Launch a full Congressional investigation of Biden's orders to ABANDON American citizens in Afghanistan.
  • Subpoena all records of those within the Biden administration suspected of seditious and treasonous acts in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.


Desperation is making Liberals even more dangerous and deadly. They know their time in power is limited, and so they are grasping at straws to find some way to stop citizens from erasing their secret shadow government, but we are on to them. This is why we need you to step up and add your name in support of indicting Biden now before he and his minions cover it all up, and destroy everything we hold dear.

Click Here to Indict Biden =>>

We're on HIGH ALERT right now as we work to expose the Democrat crime syndicate! It's going to take all of us pitching in and make Congress take action.

We can't do it alone; this is why we need your help and now! This is it! We knew it wouldn't be easy, but who dreamed a President would lead an all-out attack against the very country he serves?

As a matter of fact, Biden and his minion army are attacking We the People and this is why he must be stopped immediately!

Not since the Civil War has there been such sedition and treason... and to think it is coming from none other than our own President!

Let us know if you are willing to Indict Biden!

Look at all the hard work good-hearted patriots have done to elect scores of conservative candidates and Governors only to have the Joe Biden steal it all from us! This CANNOT be allowed!

Time To Suck It Up And Indict Joe Biden

Click Here to Indict Biden =>>

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Outraged Patriot
651 N Broad St, Suite 205 #1146
Middletown , DE 19709

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