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We will be the first to admit that this year has been a rollercoaster for all of us, John. From the highs and lows of election results across the country to the expansion of vaccine access bringing us closer to some sort of normalcy, throughout all of this uncertainty, one thing never changed––we've always been able to count on you.

As our mission statement reads, we are committed to starting the conversation, and you have done exactly that, John.

  • You've scheduled over 3200 people for vaccine appointments in states spanning across the country. 
  • You've advocated for abortion rights from Virginia Beach to the Blue Hills. 
  • You've made sure that the voices of Americans across the country have not gone unheard.

We know that change is never immediate, and yet you find ways to make change happen daily. You have turned our Slack channel into a space of energy-charged activism, and for that, we could not be more grateful. You show us what true action looks like every single day, friend.

Here’s the reality, though: the midterms are less than a year away. These past election results in Virginia are warning signs showing us we need to spur into action NOW. Now is the time to build our foundation for 2022 & beyond––can we count on you to help power our work here at Open Progress?

DONATE TODAY: Build our foundation for '22 »

Every donation you give goes 100% to building programs, powering conversations, and advocating for rights that are going to be on the chopping block in 2022.

We know this upcoming year will not be easy, but Open Progress is committed to staying in this fight––and we need you to join us. We need an America that talks to each other––not at each other––and the important conversations you have with voters are what powers that change. 

Can we count on you to join us in creating change?

$10 = Conversations with 150 voters
$20 = Conversations with 300 voters
$50 = Conversations with 700 voters
$75 = Conversations with 1100 voters
$100 = Conversations with 1500 voters

As always, we can't stress enough how grateful we are for you. Our community of activists is more than just a space of action––it is a family that supports one another and continues the hard work of empowering change, even when it isn't easy. As we move forward into the holiday season, and we look back on the past year, we know what we are thankful for––and it is you, John.

Looking forward to 2022 & spending it with you!

Toward justice,
Abigail, Alejandro, Chris, & Jamie

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