Electric vehicle companies increased their lobbying spending during infrastructure spending talks
While the automotive industry’s lobbying remained steady during the third quarter of 2021, spending $15.9 million while lawmakers debated the role of electric vehicles in President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill, electric vehicle companies ramped up their lobbying spending.
Lobbying efforts by companies making COVID-19 rapid tests and vaccines fluctuate
As the Biden administration attempts to increase the availability of rapid tests and COVID-19 vaccines, corporations are trying to figure out how to spend their lobbying dollars.
OpenSecrets' Sarah Bryner and Pete Quist collaborated with the Center for American Women in Politics, to provide new data for CAWP's recent report examining fundraising in 2020 state legislative elections and showing that women continue to lag behind men as political donors.
OpenSecrets' reporting internship program is looking for writers with political knowledge and an interest in money-in-politics for the spring semester. Intern responsibilities include writing breaking news items and longer in-depth pieces for OpenSecrets News.
The deadline is fast approaching, apply by Monday, Nov. 15. More.
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Biden bill includes boost for union-made electric vehicles (PBS News Hour) Republican lawmakers portray it as payback for a major Democratic Party benefactor, the United Auto Workers, which spent about $1.25 million in support of federal candidates in the 2020 elections, more than 99% for Democratic candidates, according to OpenSecrets, which tracks campaign money.