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State Board of Education Will Be Voting Next Week on Health Textbooks in Schools

We need you! The State Board of Education (SBOE) will be taking a final vote on the textbooks for Heath education for public school students in the state of Texas during their meeting on November 16-19th.  The meeting will begin at 1 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 16.  The materials to be considered at the meeting are: Human Kinetics, Lessonbee, QuaverEd for elementary school students, and Goodheart Willcox for middle school and high school students. Human Kinetics and Lessonbee push radical LGBT, abortion-supportive sex-ed issues and should not be adopted. Goodheart Willcox and QuaverEd do not contain the same graphic and obscene materials as the others.

Human Kinetics and Lessonbee materials/ textbooks are 100% unacceptable for the SBOE to support.
The Goodheart Willcox materials are suitable generally as they have a strong emphasis on abstinence and specifically make it clear that abstinence is the only 100% way of preventing pregnancy and STIs/ STDs, but needs a few edits. The amendments/modifications we will be requesting for Goodheart Willcox materials are: (1) the reference to condoms, (2) language about PreP and PEP drugs, and (3) references to parents is preferred over “trusted adults.” These changes make Goodheart Willcox materials more appropriate and align with state standards (TEKS). The SBOE has the opportunity to instruct publishers to remove problematic portions at the meeting without having to vote down the entire content/textbook.
The SBOE must vote NO on Lessonbee and Human Kinetics materials/textbooks.

Testimony will be available in person on Tuesday November 16, in the formal SBOE meeting. Registration for testimony ends November 12, at 5 p.m. You can register to testify at this link. Please sign up to speak on Agenda Item 2, (Report from the Commissioner Regarding Instructional Materials).

You can also email your SBOE members at [email protected]

Mark Your Calendars! 

Dallas-Fort Worth on Wednesday, December 8, 2021

SAVE THE DATE! Our 2021 Dallas-Fort Worth Luncheon will be at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano, Texas on December 8th. We are excited to announce that the Honorable Rick Perry, the 47th Governor of Texas, will be speaking in addition to Pro-Life Advocate and Leader, Abby Johnson.

You will get a timely update from our President Jonathan Saenz and the Texas Values Policy Team about the 2021 Texas Legislative Sessions and important preview of the upcoming 2022 Elections. 


Texas Heartbeat Law Withstands Another Court Challenge

This week, a state district court judge held a hearing of over a dozen challenges to the Texas Heartbeat Law in one day.

Texas Values President and Attorney, Jonathan Saenz had this to say in response to yet another court challenge: 

“There are nearly 400 pregnancy centers in Texas ready to serve pregnant mothers and families as these desperate and frivolous lawsuits fail. More information can be found at"


Texas Values Expands Church Ambassador Network

Our Church Ambassador Network of Texas is growing!   This week, Jonathan Saenz, Texas Values President and Bryan English, Director of Church Ambassador Network met with numerous pastors and church leaders South Texas.

The mission of the Church Ambassador Network is to build a relationship between the shepherds of God’s Church and God’s government as portrayed in the Scriptures.  To learn more about the Church Ambassador Network, click here.


On last week's show, Mary Szoch of the Family Research Council joined host, Jonathan Saenz, to discuss the November 1st Heartbeat Law Oral Arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court. Watch here. Listen online here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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