NYT: 2020 Democrats at J Street Conference Reflect New Tone on US-Israel Relations
J Street

J Street has transformed the conversation on Israel.
We need your help to transform America’s foreign policy.


Dear Friend,

There have been four debates this year spanning a total of fifteen hours. In all that time, the US-Israel relationship, Palestinian rights and America’s role in securing Mideast peace did not come up once.

Moderators did not raise the issue when Trump called liberal Jews disloyal to Israel, when Democratic members of Congress were banned by the Israeli government or when Netanyahu pledged to cement Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians permanently by annexing the West Bank.

So we decided to create the conversation that’s been missing. This weekend, at our national conference, we heard from ten presidential candidates -- five in person and five via video messages -- on their plans to undo the damage wrought by the Trump administration, employ US leverage to combat settlement expansion and align US foreign policy with progressive values.

It’s a new era for how Democratic candidates talk about Israel,” the Huffington Post declared. “2020 Democrats at J Street Conference Reflect New Tone on US-Israel Relations,” read one New York Times headline.

We are immensely proud of what J Street has done to facilitate and move the conversation on Israel. But our goal is not just to influence the tone of the debate. Our goal is to transform America’s foreign policy.

And that’s going to take an intensive effort over the next year to ensure that the ideas discussed on stage at our conference are reflected in the 2020 Democratic platform, are adopted by the party’s nominee and that we ultimately help that nominee defeat Trump next November.

We’re counting on your support to make it happen. Please, chip in today.

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If you didn’t get a chance to watch our conference livestreams, you can find the full videos of our interviews with Senator Bennet, Mayor Buttigieg, Secretary Castro, Senator Klobuchar and Senator Sanders on our website. There you can also view video messages sent by Vice President Biden, Beto O’Rourke, Senator Warren, Marianne Williamson and Andrew Yang.

I hope these videos give you a sense of how far we’ve moved the conversation over the past decade -- and what we can accomplish together in the coming year.

Thanks for everything you do,
Jeremy Ben-Ami

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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