Hi Friend,

Washington politicians have this “thing” with money. They like to take your money… and spend your money without letting you have a say where it goes.

But as we know, with more money, comes more control… and limited options. 

So that’s what is so concerning about the government’s big-spending bill that’s been the subject of complete chaos in Washington the past few weeks and months.

🚩 Some in Washington have been determined to get “universal child care,” “universal pre-k,” and “paid leave” rammed into the massive trillion-dollar spending bill… and they managed to do so without any vetting and before they broke for recess.

While these programs SOUND good, they’re incredibly restrictive (not to mention incredibly expensive). 

In fact, they’ll limit your options and opportunity to choose where your children go to preschool, day care, or other childcare facilities; what they learn and do; and which schools, programs, and facilities the government deems to be “qualified” under their stringent criteria. This could limit faith-based programs and private centers.

“Universal” and “paid”-anything are really just code for: government takeover. Do you really want the government in charge of your children’s most fundamental years?

Universal child care, universal pre-k, and paid leave under this bill will upend existing programs and benefits and create one-size-fits-all plans, which NEVER work. And they’ll just send us backwards, rather than letting the free market come up with solutions that meet the demands of the day for greater options, flexibility, and freedom.

But we don’t have to settle for this. You can do 3 things right now to stop the government takeover: Thank you for doing your part to protect our children and families.

Hadley Heath Manning