This November, The Muslim Council of Britain joins in marking Islamophobia Awareness Month (IAM) 2021 – a month dedicated to highlighting the experiences and impact of Islamophobia on the everyday lives of British Muslim, whilst also celebrating the contributions of British Muslim communities to society.
Commenting on the beginning of IAM 2021, MCB Secretary-General, Zara Mohammed, said:
“50% of British Muslims are under the age of 25. How we respond to Islamophobia now will determine the safety of, and opportunities available to, younger generations of British Muslims. In order to build thriving communities, we must take firm action against this pervasive form of bigotry. This requires political will, and leadership at the top, alongside robust partnerships at a grassroots level.
“The MCB reiterates its call for the Government to adopt the APPG on British Muslim’s definition of Islamophobia and to implement the recommendations made by the Singh investigation. Islamophobia is not only a Muslim problem – it is a societal one. We must all come together to tackle it.”