MT-01 covers most of Western Montana, and will be significantly more competitive than the deep-red district next door
I’ll cut right to it, friend.

I'm reaching out to ask for a $3 donation before my end-of-week fundraising deadline comes to a close. Things have changed significantly in my race, so I hope you'll let me explain why your support is so important.

Montana's redistricting commission has mostly settled on new district lines in my race. MT-01 covers most of Western Montana, and will be significantly more competitive than the deep-red district next door. Republicans still have a narrow registration edge here, but this race is very winnable.

I look forward to sharing my platform with new voters throughout this district. The truth is that no matter where the lines landed, our campaign is still about creating high-wage jobs, protecting our public lands, and ensuring Montanans have access to affordable housing. These are things we can all agree on.

Montanans also agree that we don't need to be represented by Ryan Zinke -- who was forced to resign from his post as Interior Secretary for alleged corruption and ethics violations. But that's not stopping National Republicans from filling his warchest with corporate cash so they can get their ally back in Washington.

This district represents a new beginning. We're laying the groundwork right now to reach undecided voters and counter the attacks coming our way. Doing this takes time and resources, which is why I'm asking:

We’re $7,217 short of our end-of-week goal and can use a boost to get back on track. Can you chip in $3 today? Anything you give will help us reach new voters about my platform and our new district.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


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