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Top Articles Weekly

Read our editor’s picks for the week:

In Capital and Ideology, Piketty Reminds Us to Follow the Money

In Capital and Ideology, French economist Thomas Piketty traces the history of inequality and its obfuscation—and offers his vision for a more equitable society.  Read more...
10 Secrets for a Successful Auction
Unlock 10 auction secrets using FrontStream’s exclusive BiddingforGood digital fundraising platform. With over 200,000 monthly visitors and 1.7 million caused-mind bidders, BiddingForGood helps nonprofits expand their reach and increase their revenue with these successful auction secrets! 
Download FrontStream’s eGuide

Values-Aligned Philanthropy: Foundations Resisting Hate and Extremism

It is vital that the philanthropic sector speaks out in the fight against extremism, violence, and hate. To do this, grantmaking organizations must be proactive about defining their values and creating policies and processes aligned with those values. Read more...
Put Your Values in to Action with Trust-Based Philanthropy
Practicing trust-based philanthropy is a strategic decision that requires the commitment of your entire organization, and the right technology solution can help streamline this work. Learn how a grants management tool can help you to put your principles into practice and scale your program.
Get the Guide

For This Art Curator, the Aesthetic is Political

A new book project by Macushla Robinson looks at the way in which sexual violence is discussed, and often downplayed, in museum exhibitions and catalogues.  

 Listen to the podcast and
Get Resources to Enhance Your HR Management Strategy
UST recently released their 2021 HR Compliance Toolkit, which includes their top resources for maintaining a high-performing (and engaged) workforce—while also ensuring compliance standards.  
Get your FREE toolkit today!

Imagery and Authenticity

NPQ’s creatives assess the use of design in perpetuating harmful narratives—and in creating new ones. Watch, listen, and read more…
Tough Times, Tougher Nonprofits
Can you lead your organization through any storm? Learn from Joan Garry the 5 steps to a thriving and resilient nonprofit in uncertain times. 
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