From Voto Latino <[email protected]>
Subject These California races could help Democrats KEEP the House
Date November 12, 2021 3:31 PM
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Even though we may have just finished a highly contested recall election in California, right now is no time to check out! This time next year voters will head to the polls for the midterm elections, where there will be enormous consequences for the Latinx community in California and all over the country.

Next year, California’s first Latino U.S. Senator, Alex Padilla, is up for reelection. Plus, Republicans only need to flip 5 House seats to take the majority, and California has enough swing seats to be able to tilt the chamber all on its own!

Will you pitch in now to help us register the thousands of new voters it’s going to take to keep Senator Padilla and House Democrats in their seats next November?

>> [link removed]

If control of the House flips to Republicans because of what happens in California, the ramifications for the Latinx community could be disastrous on every issue from voting rights to health care to immigration and more.

But with Voto Latino’s help in getting more young Latinx people registered to vote, we can ensure we have the kind of turnout we’ll need to reelect Senator Padilla, in addition to defending and flipping critical U.S. House seats that will be key to helping Democrats maintain the majority.

We have a nearly 20 year history of getting young people registered to vote, and our name is highly trusted in the Latinx community. Plus, we know how to get the job done: We registered more than 600,000 new voters in the 2020 cycle alone!

But we can’t do it without your help, and right now, there’s no time to waste. So John, please pitch in today to help us get more young Latinx folks registered to vote in California and all over the country before the midterms:

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-- The Voto Latino Team


Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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