It’s clear, team --

Mitch McConnell and Republicans are scared of losing the Senate.

That’s why McConnell’s dark money network has amassed a $190 million war chest to attack Democrats in vulnerable districts next year.

Americans are fed up with the lack of progress coming out of Washington, so the GOP has to rely on wealthy special interests to buy their elections instead.

Jon is working hard to elect Democrats in vulnerable districts targeted by the GOP. But to combat that kind of money, we’re going to need a whole lot of grassroots support:

Will you pitch in a donation of any amount to help Jon elect Democrats in competitive districts? Every dollar you give gets us closer to our end-of-month fundraising goal tomorrow at midnight.


Instead of working to help the American people, McConnell and the Senate GOP would rather side with big corporations and lobbyists. That’s why Jon is fighting is so hard to get dark money out of our politics for good.

Unlike McConnell and the GOP, we rely on grassroots donations from emails just like this one to fuel our campaign.

But with only one day left until we close the books on October fundraising, we’re a little ways away from hitting our grassroots goal.

Can you chip in any amount now to help us hit our goal? Together, we can build the resources it takes to respond to McConnell’s attacks and take back the Senate in 2020.


We’ll be updating Jon soon with our most recent fundraising stats. Let’s be sure to show him some strong numbers.

Team Tester