Dear John, You are invited to join our Tuesday CODEPINK CONGRESS Calling Party to mobilize for peace legislation! Chat with peacemakers and experts on November 16 at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET: Join CODEPINK Congress as we debrief COP26, learn about Indigenous resistance to oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and urge our representatives to co-sponsor legislation to reduce the environmental impact of all Pentagon operations. FeaturingBernadette Demientieff, Executive Director of the Gwich’in Steering Committee, an Indigenous organization formed in 1988 to protect sacred lands in the Arctic Refuge. Demientieff will speak about the threat oil drilling and climate disruption poses to the Gwich'in way of life. Neta Crawford, Brown University Professor, Co-Founder & Co-Director, Costs of War Project. Crawford will return from Glasgow, Scotland to debrief the COP26 and update us on demands to link militarism with the climate crisis. Crawford is the author of the research paper "Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, and the Costs of War." Jodie Evans, co-founder of CODEPINK, also back from the COP26, will share her experience organizing on the ground with CODEPINK's Nancy Mancias to highlight the role of the Pentagon as the single largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases. Take Action!
Google Group & Local LeadersJoin our CODEPINK Congress Google Group, a space for sharing events and actions. Request to be added here! Become a CODEPINK Congress liaison in your district to mobilize support for demilitarization and progressive foreign policy! Sign up here as a volunteer organizer. Finally, if you missed our last meeting, you can view it here on YouTube. View the entire CODEPINK Congress archives here. Onward toward peace and
justice, |
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