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Friday, November 12th, 2021


There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11, & Covid-19

Edward Curtain. Video

“New Normal” Winter Is Coming: Social Purge on “The Unvaccinated”

C.J. Hopkins

I Read Biden’s Build Back Better Plan and…Oh, My Gawd

Ann Coulter

Dr. Perry and the JFK Throat Wound

Dom Armentano

Eric Clapton’s Vaxx Experience

RFK, Jr., interviews. 1 Hour.

The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci

Cherie Zaslawsky

Rebuild America and Fight China?

Eric S. Margolis

What Veterans’ Day Really Means

Boyd D. Cathey

The Hermeneutical Invasion

Murray N. Rothbard

The Futility of Central Bank Policy

Alasdair Macleod

How Governments Use Global Crises To Take More Control

Doug Casey

Biden’s Vaccine Order Is About Power, Not Health

Peter Van Buren

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