More miracles from President Trump's Abraham Accords. THE ONLY GOOD NEWS in the wake of the Biden Democrat coup.
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MORE TRUMP PEACE: Senior Libyan officials: Libya wants normalization with Israel
More miracles from President Trump's Abraham Accords. Despite the incompetent Biden Administration, the Abraham Accords will continue to expand. Albeit at a much slower pace. When the American people remove the Biden Administration from office in ...

TRUMP PEACE: Morocco’s national carrier Royal Air Maroc to launch direct Israel flights
Once again, Trump peace. Imagine what could have been if President Trump remained in office. What a tragedy.

Related – ‘Our whole community is in joy’: Morocco’s Jews toast normalization with Israel

Peace takes flight! #Morocco’s ...

Iran-Backed Jihadis STORM US EMBASSY in Yemen, SEIZE HOSTAGES and Equipment
And the fraudulent Biden administration is furiously enriching the terror state while working to give 'em nukes.

Iran-Backed Militants Storm US Embassy in Yemen, Seize Hostages and Equipment

State Department 'concerned about the breach of ...

WATCH HERE: Rittenhouse Self Defense Trial Continues: LIVE GELLER REPORT UPDATES ALL DAY
Today we continue our coverage of the political persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse's defense plans to call several more witnesses Thursday, including a doctor and Kenosha police officer — a day after the teenager took the stand in ...

REWARDING TERROR: Iran’s Cash Reserves Soar Under Biden
The gravest threat to America is not China or Russia or jihad.

The gravest threat to America is the Democrat party.

Iran’s Cash Reserves Soar Under Biden

The Trump admin nearly broke Tehran. Biden's soft stance on sanctions helped the ...

US Turns Against Israel At UN
Granting “Palestinian” “refugees” the right to return to Israel would be the end of Israel as a Jewish state. Furthermore, the issue of “Palestinian” “refugees” is a complete fallacy. A lie that has been perpetuated by the ...

Honoring American Heroes On Veterans Day
Today we honor the men and women who have fought for this nation. Pray for them. Please stop for moment, step back and say a little prayer for those that put their lives on the line so that we might live an extraordinary life of liberty and the ...

‘WELL KNOWN TO POLICE”: Knife Wielding Muslim Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ Who Tried to Stab Random Bystanders in Oslo Attempted Attack in 2019
He was screaming “Alahu Akbar” in 2019, too. “Known to police', “motive unknown', “psychologically unstable' … in the wake of 9/11, killing while Muslim is a get out of jail free card while getting the press proselytizes for Islam. ...
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