November 11, 2021

On January 3, 2021, SHARK started the year off investigating a cockfighting tip in Ironton, OH. Shortly after the arrival of Steve Hindi and Adam Fahnestock at the suspected location, they were attacked by cockfighters James Newcomb and Shannon Clark. See video here:

James Newcomb storming towards SHARK President Steve Hindi to attack him - top picture. Vehicle Adam Fahnestock was driving when ran off the road by James Newcomb - middle picture. Steve in hospital - bottom picture.
At the trial of James Newcomb on Friday, November 5, 2021, Newcomb was convicted of one charge of felony theft, one charge of felony assault, and one charge of misdemeanor assault. On Wednesday, November 10, Newcomb was sentenced to 4 - 6 years in prison, effective immediately. SHARK appreciates the fine investigative work of Detective Sergeant Bolinger and Assistant Prosecutor Steve Nord's handling of this case.
The trial of Shannon Clark will be on November 29 - 30, 2021. We will keep you posted.

After James Newcomb and Shannon Clark were charged with felonies for their attacks on Steve Hindi and Adam Fahnestock, they were released on bond awaiting their trial dates. However, James Newcomb continued to host illegal cockfights on his property in violation of his bond, as seen in undercover video on July 18, 2021. Watch Reporter Duane Pohlman as he uncovers his investigation tonight on WKRC in Cincinnati. See trailer here:

SHARK is honored that well-known Cartoonist/Reporter Stan Mack is featuring SHARK in his latest Real Life Funny on the global nonprofit news organization - WhoWhatWhy, see below:

WhoWhatWhy is a global nonprofit news organization committed to reporting with responsible fearlessness - much like the way SHARK operates. Feel free to leave a comment here to let WhoWhatWhy know how much you appreciate their work.

On Saturday, November 13, 2021, some of SHARK's drone work will be featured in a docuseries on Discovery+; Carole Baskin's Cage Fight. As you know, SHARK had been investigating Joe Exotic and his cruel tiger cub petting operation. See video here.
Joe transferred the Zoo over to Jeff and Lauren Lowe. Joe is now in prison for hiring a hit on Carol Baskin of Big Cat Rescue. Using our drones while working with Big Cat Rescue, SHARK documented the horrid conditions at the Lowe Zoo, see video here.

One of the many animals in dire condition at the Lowe Zoo - top picture.
One of many skeletal remains found at the Lowe Zoo - bottom picture.
SHARK documented the long overdue transfer of the suffering big cats (picture below) to sanctuaries earlier this year, see video here. SHARK followed-up with the US Department of Agriculture until they finally transferred the remaining compromised animals from the Lowe Zoo, also to sanctuaries.

Carole Baskin's Cage Fight docuseries will document the investigation into the treatment of animals at the Lowe Zoo. Said Baskin: “This is a unique opportunity for audiences to come behind the scenes with us for an unfiltered look at how we expose the cub-petting exploiters and roadside zoos we feel are mistreating animals. This is our real-life work within a dangerous world, and viewers will see it comes with our people being threatened, guns pointed at us and the bad guys shooting at our drones.” See the trailer here.

Lauren Lowe with a gun watching SHARK's drone document the Lowe Zoo.

Cockfighting and the associated criminal activity - gambling, guns, drugs and human trafficking is illegal nationwide - on both the state and federal level.
The roosters need your signature to help stop cockfighting! Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and Attorney General Daniel Cameron need to know that the general public does not want cockfighting in Kentucky! Please sign the petition HERE, and share with far and wide with everyone you know. For more information see the video:
Sign Petition to Investigate Kentucky State Police!

When you donate to SHARK, the money goes to our effective and grueling investigations nationwide - not for fundraising or exorbitant executive salaries. Our Volunteer President Steve Hindi has never been paid while literally risking his life for the animals along with our other Investigators.