I’m Dr. Chris Jones. I’m a physicist, minister, Morehouse, NASA and MIT alum, educator, non-profit leader, husband, father -- and I’m a Democrat running for Governor of Arkansas.
The stakes are already so high in this race and I need you to join me in this fight. Please, I’m asking you directly to chip in $5 and help me take on Sarah Huckabee Sanders:
I’m going to come out and say it: taking on Sarah Huckabee Sanders and electing a Democrat into the Governor’s office won’t be easy. I’m up against one of the most well-funded Republican candidates in the country right now.
$11 million. That’s how much money Sarah Huckabee Sanders has already amassed -- and she’s ready to spend every cent to buy this seat.
This grassroots coalition has already built a lot of momentum, but look -- the huge amount of money Sarah Huckabee Sanders has already raised is going to make this campaign an uphill battle.
But, I have faith in Arkansas and I know that we can win this thing.
I can’t do it alone -- which is why I’m personally asking you to make a contribution to my campaign. Together, we can uplift Arkansas. Will you chip into my campaign today?
Thanks for all that you do,