Friend, Trump and his legion of right wing lawyers are using every legal maneuver in the book to halt the release of important January 6th evidence. We know they’re trying to hide something and we know they’re trying to delay the release of Trump's January 6th files until after the 2022 midterms.


The fate of American democracy doesn’t have time to get caught up in arcane legal proceedings. Now that Republicans have the momentum, Trump and The 147 think that they can avoid accountability if they can just drag the January 6th Select Committee’s investigation out until after Election Day 2022. But you, friend, and our team at Operation 147 are NOT leaving anything to chance.

We need to make sure that the Democrats HOLD the House in 2022, so that Trump’s obstructionist tactics are rendered meaningless. Donate today so we can make sure that The 147 face consequences for January 6th.

To fighting for the truth,

-Operation 147



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