Our October fundraising deadline is tomorrow night. Can you chip in whatever you can to make sure we close the gap with the other side?
Hickenlooper for Colorado |


If there's one thing I hear time and again, it's that Coloradans are fed up with Cory Gardner and the games he's playing in Washington.

We’re ready to turn the page—but with Mitch McConnell going all in to help Gardner win re-election, we can’t afford to fall further behind. It’s on us to meet or exceed every fundraising goal we set.

Our October fundraising deadline is tomorrow night. Will you chip in whatever you can to make sure we close the gap with the other side?


Thank you,







Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

Contributions or gifts to Hickenlooper for Colorado are not tax deductible.

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