
Last night, Senate Republicans took less than 30 seconds to dismiss each solution offered to gun violence. 

NO discussion of Senator Fontana’s suicide preventing Extreme Risk Protection Orders.

NO argument against Senator Santarsiero’s Universal Background Checks 

NO debate on Senator Tartaglione’s effort to stop the flow of illegal firearms.

Instead of hearing numerous pleas to save the lives of Pennsylvanians from this public health crisis, the Senate passed a deadly duo. If these become law, the person next to you at the grocery store or stuck in traffic could be carrying a concealed firearm without any required safety check. And, the gun lobby could force local officials and taxpayers, including you, to pay their legal bills after they unravel public safety laws.

The House of Representatives is moving as fast as possible to push this deadly duo through. Tell your state Rep. to vote NO on permitless concealed carry and punishing local officials for life saving actions.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. For three years since the General Assembly last enacted gun safety laws, shootings and suicides have destroyed the lives of 10,000 Pennsylvanians. Some survived with life-long scars, others only live on in memory. Each case demands action.

When other states have weakened their permitting requirements for carrying a concealed firearm, violent crime rose by 13 percent on average. In Arizona, aggravated assault soared more than 40 percent. 

We do not have to live in fear of gun violence. Send a message before Monday's vote.

Adam Garber


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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