Making sure that Democrats vote on November 5th

On Tuesday next week, we’ll find out if all of our hard work over the past several weeks knocking doors and making phone calls for Connecticut Democrats was enough.

Our team here at CT Dems HQ is determined to ensure that Democratic voter turnout is once again high this year, John — but we can’t do it alone.

Donate to our GOTV Fund now to make sure that we can advance a robust field operation throughout this final week before Election Day 2019→

— Nancy Wyman, Connecticut Democratic Party Chair

Begin Forwarded Message:

This is it, John — the final week before Election Day 2019!

Voter turnout is typically low for local elections — especially when a major presidential primary is underway. That’s why CT Dems staff and volunteers have been working so hard to ensure that Democrats turn out and vote on November 5th.

But John, this next week is make or break.

That’s why we’ve set a goal of raising $10,000 for our GOTV Fund before Friday. Chip in now to help us put forward a robust field organizing operation in this final week→

Donate $15 Now

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Republicans know that low turnout is their best shot at winning next week. With President Trump’s hate-filled rhetoric seeping into Republican politics throughout Connecticut, we can’t afford for that to happen.

That’s precisely why CT Dems staff and volunteers have been speaking with voters door-to-door across Connecticut for the past several weeks — now, we need your help to bring this home.

This week is our final chance to get out the vote for 2019’s year’s incredible slate of Democratic candidates. Donate to our GOTV Fund now→

Thank you for your support, John!

Sí se puede,

Jacqueline Kozin
Executive Director
CT Dems
