
Happy Veterans Day! As we celebrate all the sacrifices our Veterans have made for this country, we wanted to use this opportunity to not only thank them, but also highlight the need for 

Please join us TODAY from 12:00 – 12:30pm for a 30-minute Twitterstorm to push Congress and the White House on Build Back Better, with an emphasis on Veterans health care.

Sample social media for the Twitterstorm is below:

  • #Veterans are in every aspect of Build Back Better. They have families to take care of and need efficient, affordable #HealthCare and health coverage. Veterans need Congress to do right by their families. Pass #BuildBackBetter now! #UniteForHealthCare
  • #BuildBackBetter prioritizes improvements to the health care veterans receive from the @DeptVetAffairs, ensuring that every veteran receives world-class care through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. #UniteForHealthCare
  • There’s no better gift to our courageous #veterans than lowering their medical bills & making sure they get care when they need it.
  • This #VeteransDay, Congress can thank our vets by passing the #BuildBackBetter bill right now with all of its provisions intact. #UniteForHealthCare 

Thank you, as always, for your tireless advocacy.

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