Foundation for Child Development: The Learning Curve Newsletter
The Foundation for Child Development values and supports scholarship, especially for early-career scholars through our Young Scholars and Promising Scholars programs. As such, we are pleased to share information about exciting opportunities for researchers, including for early-career scholars and graduate students.

AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research
Application Deadline: Wednesday, December 1, 2021

American Educational Research Association (AERA) is currently accepting applications for the 2022–2023 AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research competition for advanced graduate students. The Fellowship Program seeks proposals from advanced graduate students who are from racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in higher education (e.g., African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders). This program provides mentoring and funding support to develop research skills and conduct studies in education related fields and topics.

Applicants can come from graduate programs and departments in education research, the humanities, or social or behavioral science disciplinary or interdisciplinary fields, such as cultural studies, economics, history, political science, psychology, public policy, or sociology.

Informational Webinar
Those interested in applying for the Minority Dissertation Fellowship are encouraged to watch the informational webinar, and work closely with their advisors, to prepare their proposals. Further information about the program, frequently asked questions, and application instructions are available in the Call for Proposals.

Contact George L. Wimberly, AERA Director of Professional Development; Diversity Officer at [email protected] with any questions about this program.

Learn More About the Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program

SRCD's 2022 Small Grants Program for Early-Career Scholars
Application Deadline: Friday, February 4, 2022

The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) is now accepting submissions for its 5th annual Small Grants Program for Early Scholars. Grants of up to $7,500 are available on a competitive basis for research projects conducted by SRCD early-career members who completed their doctoral degrees in the past five years. SRCD especially encourages applications from those based in international institutions and/or those conducting research in underrepresented countries.

The funding priorities for these grants include a proposed project that:

  1. Exemplifies exceptional scientific merit,
  2. Will contribute to the applicant’s competitiveness for external funding and/or career advancement, and
  3. Furthers SRCD’s strategic goals.
All components of the proposal package must be submitted through the application portal for the proposal to be reviewed.

Decision notifications will be sent out in late April 2022. For inquiries, please contact Gabby Galeano at [email protected].
Learn More About the SRCD 2022 Small Grants Program

National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2022
Proposal Submission Deadline: November 29, 2021

The Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2022 (NRCEC 2022) will be held Monday, June 27 – Wednesday, June 29, 2022, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA. 

The goals of NRCEC 2022 are to:​

  • identify and disseminate research relevant to young children (birth to 8 years) and their families;
  • encourage collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to build the evidence base for policy and practice; and
  • foster discussion of research priorities, gaps, and needs.

The NRCEC 2022 Planning Committee invites poster, paper symposium, and poster symposium proposals featuring relevant and rigorous recent empirical research.

Submit Your Proposal

The proposal submission site will guide you through each step of the submission process and prompt you to provide all required information.

Please review the Call for Presentations before submitting your proposal.
Learn More About NRCEC 2022
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links:
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