By Brian Goggin (Elections Committee, Community Engagement Committee) • November 10, 2021
Arlington is studying its stock of “missing middle” housing, in between the density of detached single-family homes and large apartment buildings. The pushback has taken on a familiar tone.
DC’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs is making it easier to build ADUs in DC by debuting code-compliant, pre-approved plans for the buildings, as well as a new platform to order building inspections on-demand. (Nena Perry-Brown / UrbanTurf)
The labor union that represents Montogomery County employees is accusing the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission of unfair labor practices because of their policy of separating vaccinated and unvaccinated workers. (Ally Schweitzer / DCist)
A contractor conducting routine maintenance and inspections caused a social media frenzy when people saw him on the 200-foot-tall spires of the Air Force Memorial. (Dana Hedgpeth / Post)
Tuesday marked the first day service providers began assigning DC’s new 771 area code to people getting new phone numbers. DC’s 202 area code has been in service since 1947. (Martin Austermuhle / DCist)
The Department of Justice is suing Uber for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by charging a fee for those who take more than two minutes to arrive at their ride, saying it discriminates against those with mobility challenges. (FOX5)
While zero-emission vehicles were highlighted at the COP26 conference in Glasgow, many officials, labor leaders, and experts are reminding people that the key to meeting climate goals in the transportation sector is public transit. (Josyana Joshua / CityLab)