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Be part of climate action in the Midwest

Make your gift to Fresh Energy today to support ambitious, actionable, and equitable clean energy and climate progress in Minnesota.

Dear John,

If the Midwest was an independent country, it would be the sixth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. Midwest climate action is critical to U.S. ambitions to reduce carbon emissions by 50-52% by 2030 and Fresh Energy is working hard to ensure the U.S. can meet those goals. 

Fresh Energy’s J. Drake Hamilton has spent the last two weeks at the COP26 Global Climate Summit in Glasgow, representing Minnesota on the global stage and highlighting Fresh Energy’s work to speed the transition to a clean energy economy in Minnesota, the Midwest, and beyond

This year, Fresh Energy has chalked up some pivotal accomplishments, using research and advocacy to generate solid progress in fighting global climate change here at home. 

  • Fresh Energy led a coalition to help Minnesota become the Midwest’s first Clean Cars state with stricter-than-federal tailpipe emissions and more electric car choices for consumers coming soon. 
  • At the Minnesota Legislature, we helped pass the Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) Act, which modernizes our state’s bedrock energy efficiency policy and invests in under-resourced communities
  • We also spearheaded an effort at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to ensure that even before coal plants are closed entirely, they now only run when absolutely necessary.

But it's time to do more, and you are an essential partner in this work. Will you make a gift to Fresh Energy to ensure that together, we can continue to make progress at this critical moment?

Every donation made to Fresh Energy on between now and November 18 will be entered in special drawings that could award Fresh Energy a prize grant ranging between $500 and $10,000. Imagine the impact your contribution could make!


Michael Noble 
Executive Director
P.S. J. Drake Hamilton will be returning from Glasgow next week and sharing a COP26 recap in a webinar on Wednesday, November 17 at 12:00 pm CST. Register for J.’s webinar here! 

P.P.S. We apologize if your gift and this email have crossed paths—we appreciate your support!


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