60 Day Countdown: Donations urgently needed for CND's vital campaigning in the lead up to the crucial nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in January 2022
Dear Friend,

This has been a momentous - and deeply troubling - year for all of us who hope to see a world free from nuclear weapons. We have a lot of critical campaigning ahead - can you help by donating to our urgent winter appeal?
Support our winter appeal
This year, Boris Johnson and his ministers have taken several outrageous decisions that will revese decades of gradual progress towards disarmament.

In the spring, they revealed plans for a massive increase of over 40% in the UK's nuclear arsenal.

And more recently, the announcement of AUKUS, a new military pact between the UK, US and Australia, threatens a dangerous escalation in the West's ongoing confrontation with China. Spreading nuclear technology is at the heart of the deal: the UK and the US are collaborating with Australia to provide them with nuclear-powered submarines.

Both the AUKUS pact and the plan to increase the UK's nuclear arsenal risk nuclear proliferation, and both are a breach of the NPT, a treaty which the UK ratified in 1968 and which commits it to disarmament.

In January next year, the much-delayed 2020 NPT Review Conference is scheduled to take place. With Boris Johnson showing repeated contempt for international law, and determined to increase nuclear spending while slashing welfare, this Review is enormously important.

Only once every five years do the signatories of the NPT gather to assess progress towards disarmament. This is a vital chance to shine a spotlight on the Government's illegal behaviour. 

So CND is engaging in some of the most intensive lobbying we've been involved in for years, both in preparation for the upcoming conference, and in marshalling domestic opposition to the Government's appalling policies.

But we need your help: we need to raise £34,000 to cover all the campaigning costs involved.

Will you help make a difference? Will you support us by donating today?
Support our winter appeal
This opportunity to challenge the Government both internationally and domestically must be seized. We will not have an opportunity like this again for some time. Together, let's take advantage and put some real pressure on the Government.

In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
P.S. Time is short. We have just two months until the start of the NPT Review Conference in January, and we have a lot of work to do before then. Please, if you can, donate today. Thank you.

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