Operation Union Veterans Day
Today is Veteran’s Day, and the AFL-CIO’s Union Veterans Council (UVC) is launching a new campaign called Operation Union Veterans Day. Tune in at noon on the AFL-CIO’s Facebook page
to learn more. Over one million veteran workers are union members and many more would join a union if they could, says the UVC. “Operation Union Veterans Day will amplify the role veterans and military families play in the American labor movement, lifting up and sharing their stories this month but also making sure we listen to what they need – jobs, training, a fully funded VA and other services, and the right to join a union.” Tune in to Your Rights At Work on WPFW at 1 o’clock today to hear Union Veterans Council Executive Director Will Attig. |
Tentative agreement for Strathmore ticketsellers
After two very long years and a 10-hour mediation session on Tuesday, “we are delighted to share the news that we have a tentative agreement with Strathmore!!!” reports IATSE Local 868 Secretary and Political Coordinator Jillian Gibson. “We succeeded in saving jobs, along with some other small gains. Thank you all for your hard work and encouragement on behalf of our Strathmore family, for the time you spent with us leafleting, carrying signs along Rockville Pike, and being there to support us. We really couldn’t have done this without all of you!”
COPE Report: COPE mtg rescheduled; PG Candidates forum set Due to the Veterans Day federal holiday this Thursday, the Montgomery/Prince George's County COPE meeting has been rescheduled for next Thursday, November 18. Register here. Save the Date: The Prince George’s County 2022 Candidates Labor Forum has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Stay tuned for more details soon.
David Stephen, Political and Legislative Director |
Today’s labor quote: Will Attig
“One of the biggest things we can do to help veterans is to give them the resources and tools to join together to advocate for themselves and all workers. Union veterans and their families can join the UVC to make it happen.” |
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: Communists and community in wartime Detroit. Last week's show: From the Necropolis Strike to Striketober.
Haymarket martyrs hanged, convicted in the bombing deaths of eight police during a Chicago labor rally - 1887
A confrontation between American Legionnaires and Wobblies during an Armistice Day Parade in Centralia, Wash. results in six deaths. One Wobbly reportedly was beaten, his teeth bashed in with a rifle butt, castrated and hanged: local officials listed his death as a suicide - 1919
57 crewmen on three freighters die over a three-day period when their ships sink during a huge storm over Lake Michigan - 1940
- David Prosten.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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