A change is coming...
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Dear friend,
While I've been in Glasgow for the COP26 global climate summit this week with our Jubilee Debt Campaign staff team and supporters, I’ve heard first-hand from affected communities in the global South how the pandemic and climate crisis are forcing lower income countries into more debt.
The injustice of rich polluting countries forcing more loans onto the global South to deal with a crisis that they did not create is a stark reminder of how important our fight for debt justice is.
In the UK, the pandemic combined with rising energy bills, cuts to Universal Credit and increasing costs of living are pushing more people into problem debt and driving poverty and inequality in our communities.
These debt crises mean that right now, our work to push for systemic change is more important than ever. We believe change comes through building the collective power of affected communities and growing a movement of people to campaign in solidarity.
That’s why we’ve decided to relaunch the organisation at this crucial time, so that we can build the biggest movement we can to help transform the economic system and fight for debt justice.
Tell us your thoughts about the relaunch ([link removed])
As part of our supporter survey at the end of last year we heard that 75% of you found our name unclear or unhelpful. Many people did not know what the word ‘Jubilee’ meant, and that it doesn’t always help you explain our cause or what our mission is.
Because of your feedback we have decided to relaunch the organisation with a new name and refresh the way we look.
I want to assure you that this does not change why we are here, the work we do or our values: We are a campaigning organisation that exists to stop unjust debts driving poverty and inequality. We build the power of affected people and platform their demands in our campaigns and play a pivotal role in national and international movements. We are proud of our history and our victories, including the cancellation of $130 billion of global South debt.
But we need to make sure we stay relevant and improve how we communicate who we are and what we stand for.
The change in our name is not going to happen straight away. Right now, we really want to hear your views to help guide this change.
As a first step, we would really appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes to fill in this survey to tell us what you think:
Tell us your thoughts about the relaunch ([link removed])
We look forward to hearing your views as we push forward to grow in our influence and impact on debt justice.
Thank you as ever, for your commitment and support and please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if there is anything you want to discuss.
Best wishes,
Heidi Chow
Executive Director, Jubilee Debt Campaign
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