Act for America

3 Actions in 10 Minutes

BETRAYED! 32 Republican’s from twenty states helped Democrats pass the most progressive socialist spending bill of our time. Eight Democrat’s voted NO on this bill.

If the Pelosi-13 voted NO on this bill, it would have been defeated 207(D)-219(R)!

If the 19 Senators hadn’t voted in favor of this bill, it never would have passed the Senate! 

ACT for America and other conservative grassroots organizations have acted with you to stop this SCAM infrastructure bill for months! It’s so important that we work together to build a mass-movement of conservatives that act on grassroots legislative action. We need to raise our voice through increased numbers to prevent nightmare legislation like this from passing! 

We are stronger together when we 
ACT for America and pass it on!

The final bill that passed on Friday is estimated to cost double the 1.2 trillion promised and less than 10% of the total budget is actual infrastructure. 

Many of these RINO’s excused their vote by declaring their re-election odds forced their hand. 

This bill was cut in half under the guise that the Bernie Squad was listening to the American people, but the talk on the hill is that the second half of this socialist spending spree is just around the corner! 

The ‘Pelosi 13’ and 19 Senators need to hear from us! 

There must be a political price to pay for this socialist compromise! Let’s work together to make sure these RINO’s never get reelected. 

Phone your representative today to let them know how you feel about selling out America and Fellow Republicans! 

AK Senator Murkowski           (202) 224-6665 
AK Senator Sullivan               (202) 224-3004
AK Congressman Young         (202) 225-5765
IA Senator Grassley              (202) 224-3744
ID Senator Crapo                  (202) 224-6142
ID Senator Risch                   (202) 224-2752 
IL Congressman Kinzinger      (202) 225-3521
KY Senator McConnell            (202) 224-2541
LA Senator Cassidy                (202) 224-5824
ME Senator Collins                (202) 224-2523
MI Congressman Upton         (202) 225-3761
MO Senator Blunt                 (202) 224-5721
MS Senator Wicker               (202) 224-6253
NC Senator Burr                   (202) 224-3154
NC Senator Tillis                   (202) 224-6342
ND Senator Cramer               (202) 224-2043
ND Senator Hoeven               (202) 224-2551
NE Senator Fischer                (202) 224-6551
NE Congressman Bacon         (202) 225-4155
NJ Congressman Smith          (202) 225-8901
NJ Congressman Van Drew     (202) 225-6572
NY Congressman Garbarino    (202) 225-7896
NY Congressman Katko          (202) 225-4042
NY Congressman Malliotakis   (202) 225-3371
NY Congressman Reed           (202) 225-3161
OH Senator Portman              (202) 224-3353
OH Congressman Gonzalez    (202) 225-3876
PA Congressman Fitzpatrick   (202) 225-4276
SC Senator Graham              (202) 224-5972
UT Senator Romney              (202) 224-5251
WV Senator Capito                (202) 224-6472
WV Congressman McKinley    (202) 225-4172

Political Suicide for Socialist Compromise

Tell Dems and RINOs that you are offended. STOP them from doubling down on a 2nd "infrastructure" bill. 


Stop Kids Vaccine Mandates!
Defend Against Vaccine Discrimination
Protect Medical Choice and Privacy
Protect Our Kids from Unknown Risks

Stop Biden's Vaccine Mandates!
Updated: Freedom from Mandates ACT
Protect Jobs in Gov’t and Private Sectors
Protect Medical Choice and Privacy
Protect Individual Liberties


Court Stays Biden’s Vaccine Mandate, Granting Petition of… BRANDON Trosclair
A temporary victory for individual freedom and common sense. 

By Robert Spencer,

On Saturday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals struck at least a temporary blow for individual freedom and common sense, temporarily suspending Biden’s handlers’ tyrannical and absurd vaccine mandate in light of “grave statutory and constitutional issues.”

Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at the Liberty Justice Center, declared: “The Biden Administration’s illegal vaccine mandate for private companies represents the most egregious government overreach in our generation. No matter how you feel about the COVID vaccine, every American should be outraged. Apparently, the Biden Administration’s COVID strategy is this: circumvent Congress, ignore the Constitution, then threaten and bully millions of Americans to get vaccinated against their will. It’s an assault on the U.S. Constitution, which the President has sworn to uphold.” Yeah, but he’s probably forgotten he did that.

Brandon Trosclair himself commented, “Over the past 20 months, my employees have showed up to work and served their communities in the face of COVID and hurricanes. Now I’m being told by the government to insert myself into their private health decisions? That’s wrong and I won’t stand for it. It is not the government’s place to tell me how to operate my stores or to force me to interfere in the private medical decisions of my employees.”

Let’s Go Brandon!

Read More!

What’s Next as 27 States, Multiple Businesses Sue to Stop Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

By Fred Lucas,
The Daily Signal

One court already has temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private employers and legal battles are emerging across the nation as 27 states and multiple businesses and nonprofits sue to block the mandate on its likely path to the Supreme Court. 
Plaintiffs have brought lawsuits in federal appeals courts for the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 11th circuits as well as the one in Washington, D.C. The next step will be a “lottery” process to determine which federal circuit hears the case. 

Read More!

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America Education, an educational organization founded in 2002.
ACT For America does not support candidates or political parties,
but it may promote issues or specific pieces of legislation.



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