
It's looking like we're being outspent.

Not by any of Jason's opponents -- yet -- but by President Trump's campaign: they're spending millions of dollars on digital ads all across the country to promote the GOP and hurt Democrats in key districts like Jason's.

We need to step up to combat these digital ads with some of our own. But first, we have to raise $15,000 by Thursday at midnight. Can you pitch in $5 now to help us meet our goal?

Jason didn't run for Congress to play partisan games or put anyone else down. Jason ran for Congress to get things done for Coloradans by reaching across the aisle and putting people first.

We know that anyone who hears Jason's message of service and advocacy will understand why he's the best possible representative for Colorado's 6th district. But we can't let his record as a public servant be drowned out by Trump's digital ads pandering to the far right-wing.

Honestly, with all the misinformation already being spread, this could be a nightmare if things get bad. We need to fight back and make sure everyone has a chance to hear from Jason about the work he's doing for them in Congress.

Trump has spent millions on digital ads already, but we just need to hit our goal to show everyone that Jason is the fighter that Coloradans deserve. Can you chip in $5 before our end-of-month deadline?


Jennifer Frost
Finance Director
Jason Crow for Congress

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Paid for by Jason Crow for Congress