As Colorado Secretary of State, I have spent the last three years working hard to ensure safe and accessible elections in the State of Colorado. The United States had one of the most secure elections ever in 2020, and under my leadership in Colorado, we increased security and access to the polls for all voters. I hope to continue protecting our democracy and building on the progress we’ve made, can you chip in to my re-election campaign today?

Donald Trump may be out of office, but the impact of the Big Lie he spreads has left a dark shadow on this country. Here in Colorado, we recently faced one of the nation’s first insider threats, when a county clerk compromised the integrity of her entire county’s elections in an attempt to prove conspiracies. As Secretary of State, I took decisive action to protect our elections, and am ready to fight back against efforts to disenfranchise voters or spread misinformation.

And now, more pro-Trump, anti-democracy candidates are eyeing Secretary of State seats across the country. Top elections officials need to believe in the will of voters and not play partisan politics with election results.

The future of our democracy may depend on who wins the races for Secretary of State in 2022, and that’s why I’m reaching out. Can you help me win and continue fighting for voters’ rights by chipping in to my re-election campaign today?

Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election failed because of election officials who stood with facts and truth over lies and conspiracies. If we lose in 2022, there could be serious implications for our country.

All the best,

-- Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State




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