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TBR Radio

Don't miss these exciting interviews
from Ed DeVries & TBR Radio


This week’s TBR Radio Presents: The Dixie Heritage Hour has two guests.
First, Dr. Ed DeVries speaks with James King. James is a regular columnist in the Candian Free Press and a Georgia Commander for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Commander King had 14 ancestors who died in the War Between the States.
His great-grandfather Edward B. King served in the 18th North Carolina, the
unit that became famous for accidentally wounding Stonewall Jackson.

His other great-grandfather, on his mother’s side, fought in the battles at Natural Bridge and Olustee, Florida. The battle at Natural Bridge was a Confederate victory that prevented the Yanks from capturing Tallahassee. After the war, his maternal ancestors migrated from Florida to Georgia where they were among the founders of the town of Moultree. Before the War Between the States his maternal great-great grandfather and uncle were officers in the Revolution. He talks about them as well.

Commander King tells of how a couple of his ancestors owned slaves. He explains the doctrine of “Presentism” whereby people in our modern day judge and ridicule people of previous eras using the morals and ideals of the modern day. He explains why this is an unjust and inaccurate standard by which to judge not only his ancestors but all peoples of the Antebellum era. He also explains how the Sons of Confederate Veterans camp that he leads purchased a parcel of ground, built a park upon it, and related the old Confederate monument that had been removed in Albany, Georgia
to this privately owned property where it is displayed in a beautiful setting.


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American Slavery Is Wrong:

A must-read book by Col. Laughlin Seabrook

We also discuss the real causes of the war. There were multiple very good
reaons for Southern states to secede, and slavery was not among them.
Our guest  also discusses an interesting topic: How different the genetic
and hereditary make-up of Southerners was from that of Northerners.

This, he says, was the cause of many cultural and philisophical
differences that simply could not be reconciled.

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After wrapping up with Commander King, Dr. Ed calls Commander Clint Lacy. His ancestor William Nathaniel Ingraham who was one of the ten men selected to personally guard Confederate President Jefferson Davis during his retreat from Richmond. He was with President Davis in Georgia when they were both captured. He also had paternal great-great uncles who served in Kentucky and Mississippi units. According to Clint, all of his ancestors, “went in privates and came out privates.”

The show ends with John Schneider singing “I Dream of Tumbleweeds.”

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