Another cosponsor for H.R. 2307; Republicans unveil climate plan

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, Nov. 10, 2021
Table of Contents:
Carbon price still in play
Take action this week
Church sign endorses carbon price
Upcoming trainings
This week on the CCL blog
Carbon price still in play leading into conference


Heading into CCL’s virtual conference this weekend (Nov. 13-14), it appears a price on carbon is on the table and close to being included in the reconciliation bill Senate Democrats are drafting.

The headline on new a Bloomberg story proclaims, “White-House Backed Carbon Tax in Sight for Biden’s Climate Bill.” Regarding the plan to initiate a rising fee on carbon, the article quotes Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI): 

“We have 49 out of 50 votes” from Democrats in the Senate, the Democrat from Rhode Island said. If the Senate passes it, “the House has assured us they will also pass it, and the White House has assured us the president will sign it into law.”

This reporting is major validation of CCL volunteers’ efforts to contact Congress and President Biden in recent months about a price on carbon. It also adds greater importance to next week’s meetings with congressional offices.

In a press release about the conference, CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds said, “President Biden has promised the world that we will cut carbon emissions in half by 2030, and the way to ensure that we hit that target is to include a price on carbon in the Build Back Better bill. Our conference and lobby week gives us a chance to make one more push for a fee on carbon with revenue given to households.”



In other news this week:

  • Pre-conference receptions on Friday: CCL is holding several pre-conference receptions before the Grit and Gratitude virtual conference this weekend, which are open to BIPOC, conservatives, and students. For more information, check out this Community post.
  • Republican climate plan: Senate Republicans have released their “American Energy, Jobs, and Climate” plan, which would cut global carbon emissions 40% by 2050. While the reduction goal is nowhere near the net-zero target much of the world has agreed to, it is significant because the plan is the first time Republicans have set a goal for reducing emissions. Meanwhile, members of the Conservative Climate Caucus are attending the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Another cosponsor for H.R. 2307: There are now 88 House members signed on to the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Rep. Jahana Hayes (CT-05) is the latest cosponsor. You can express your appreciation by liking, retweeting and replying to our tweet.
  • Climate provisions in infrastructure bill: Late last week, the House passed and sent to President Biden the bipartisan infrastructure framework (BIF). The legislation contains climate-related funding, including provisions from two bills that were secondary asks during CCL’s June lobbying. Read more.
  • Job opening: Citizens’ Climate Education has an opening for a full-time IT Support Specialist. More information and application here.


Take action this week


If you have a little time: Check out this message from Senator Coons

While participating in bipartisan climate solutions at COP26, Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) recorded a message back to the Delaware chapters of the Sierra Club and CCL. Coons thanked both organizations “for continuing to keep up the pressure” on the importance of a carbon price and tackling climate issues. Coons acknowledged the success of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, but cautioned that there was still important work to do. Watch Sen. Coon’s message here.

If you have more time: Join CCL’s virtual conference this weekend

We’re just days away from our November virtual conference, Grit & Gratitude, happening Nov. 13-14. The conference will kick off with keynote speaker Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson at 1 p.m. ET on Saturday. Check out this video from our Executive Director Mark Reynolds, telling you more about what to look forward to at this free, online event. 

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.

Grasstops: Church sign endorses carbon price


CCLer Lynn Fanelli of Berkley, Michigan, was able to get the Greenfield Presbyterian Church to endorse carbon pricing. But Lynn and the Greenfield Presbyterian Church didn’t stop there — the church posted their message of support on their digital sign. CCLer Bill Bray posted about the church’s endorsement on Facebook, and encouraged CCLers to get their faith communities to do the same.

This outreach from the Faith Leaders Action Team comes as part of an effort to earn the endorsement of religious members. The action team is currently working on a faith-oriented Twitter campaign, reaching out to religious members of Congress.

Upcoming trainings


11/11: Lobbying 401: Leading Your Lobby Team - This training is designed for those who wish to learn more about leading a lobby meeting with a member of Congress or staff. In this training, we'll review the role of a lobby team leader, how they assign team roles, coordinate practice times and how to handle other special situations. Join us!

11/18: First Time Lobbying Experiences Open Mic Night - Are you a first time lobbyist during #CCL2021's November lobbying meetings? Come share your stories of empowerment and reflections from your experiences meeting with your members of Congress. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

11/16: Social Media Basics - Join CCL’s Marketing Manager Ashley Hunt Martorano for a training geared toward enhancing your use of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Join us! 

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

This week on the CCL blog


Dr. Katharine Hayhoe talks “Saving Us” with CCL: Dr. Katharine Hayhoe holds an exclusive Q&A with CCL about her new book “Saving Us” and how to talk to others about climate action. Read more. 

CBAMs could be key tool for climate goals: CCL’s Steve Valk talks to Shuting Pomerleau, a climate policy analyst at the Niskanen Center, for more information about CBAMs. Read more.

Infrastructure bill becomes law, includes two CCL secondary asks: On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives took a vote on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which passed with 228 supporting votes. Read more.

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