When looking for feedback from supporters, a lot of Senate campaigns typically go directly to professional polling firms. But not our campaign. Instead, we’re coming directly to you, John.
John wants to hear unique opinions from real people on our campaign strategy to win PA in 2022, which is why we picked you to represent Pittsburgh in our official Post-Election Day Focus Group.
Will you take a minute to answer a few questions about our campaign strategy as part of our official Post-Election Day Focus Group? Your input will be a huuuuge help as we carefully calculate the next phase of our campaign.
Look, if we learned anything from Election Day last Tuesday, it’s just how hard the 2022 midterm elections could be for Democrats.
The more qualitative feedback we get from genuine Team Fetterman supporters in our Focus Group, the more insight we'll have from the ground about how we can best defeat the GOP and flip this seat.
That’s why it’s so important that we get your input, John!
So, will you please take a few minutes (or less!!) of your time to participate in our Post-Election Day Focus Group? You can click here or use your own custom link to begin!
https://act.johnfetterman.com/survey/jf-post-e-day-focus-group/[email protected]
Thank you for taking the time to answer our Post-Election Day Focus Group questions today, John. We’ll loop back soon with the results!
Thank you,
Team Fetterman