
Our re-election launch party is coming up at the beginning of December and we want you to be a part of it!

Beth has been a huge fighter in D.C., but with the House Elections coming up next November, we need to make her re-election campaign launch even bigger! 

Our finance team has already quoted us a price of $17,000 we need to raise for this event. With your support, we can rent a facility, stage, sound equipment, buy volunteer gear, print backdrops, and bring in 100s of supporters to make this the best campaign launch North Texas has ever seen! Beth’s re-election campaign launch party needs to show the Radical Left the red wave is coming and our momentum can’t be matched!
We can’t wait to get started on the re-election trail with you by our side. Beth knows stopping the Radical Left next year is vital for our Nation’s health. We have seen billions of taxpayer dollars wasted this year, it needs to be stopped. Beth is fighting to get Biden’s inflation, border, and supply chain crises under control, but we have to keep our seat in the House to make sure she can get it done!

This launch party is going to start something great and we want you all to be involved. With patriots like you standing strong, we can send a message to the Radical Socialists in control! We deserve to have a secure border, a responsible federal government, and a national agenda who won’t push woke Socialist policies on our children!

Let’s kick off our 2022 campaign strong. With just $17,000 left to go - Can we count on you to help kick off Beth’s re-election launch party?

We hope you can join us on Dec. 3! Please RSVP to [email protected]

For Texas and America, 
Team Van Duyne