Dear John --

I’m reaching out to you directly, because I wanted to make sure you heard from me about why I was proud to support the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill last Friday. It is a massive, once-in-a-generation investment in our roads and bridges, clean water and climate resiliency, and internet access.

Working families -- in California and across the country -- will feel the effects of this historic plan.

But while it is a big deal, it alone is not enough. We must also pass the Build Back Better Act, to deliver on our promises to care workers, working parents, and future generations. 

Throughout this process, I’ve been at the negotiation table with President Biden and Speaker Pelosi. Together, we've come up with a framework that facilitates an equitable recovery -- and that prioritizes the needs of working families. By ensuring that corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their share, we are able to fund the programs that allow working families -- and our economy -- to thrive. 

We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make an impact on all our communities.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done to fight for you -- and now it’s time to get it done! 
