| | | Wednesday, November 10 Round Up: Your advocacy worked, attend our Member Party, upcoming Shift the Bay event & more! |
| | Federal Advocacy Update: Build Back Better Plan |
| | |  | | Last week, the House voted to pass a rule that will begin the process of advancing consideration of the Build Back Better Act, a plan that contains a historic $150 billion in proposed housing investments along with a nearly $12 billion historic expansion of the tax credit program. The plan includes funding for affordable housing production and preservation as well as rental assistance. A vote on the Build Back Better Act is expected during the week of November 14. The plan includes NPH’s top priorities, including: - $25 billion to expand rental assistance to an estimated 300,000 new households nationally
California Impact: Would serve 42,500 Households (about 107,200 people) [Learn more via Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: BBB Includes Major Investments in Housing Affordability] For more details of the $150 billion in housing investments in the Build Back Better Act, see the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s (NLIHC) full analysis: House Fails to Vote on “Build Back Better Act,” Delays Action to Week of November 14 - Lowering the bond threshold test from 50% to 25% for five years, from 2022 to 2026, so that affordable housing developments can use half of the amount of tax-exempt private activity bonds and twice as many can access 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits.
California Impact: Would double affordable housing production, unlocking financing for tens of thousands of affordable homes across the state. - Increasing the 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit program by extending the temporary 12.5% increase from 2018, and increasing the allocation by 10% plus inflation for 2022-2024, an over 40% increase over current levels in 2024.
California Impact: Would produce 136,100 rental homes in California, as well as over 200,000 jobs. [Learn more via Novogradac, and see state-by-state breakdown.] Our Advocacy Works: The tax credit and bond threshold provisions were originally stripped from the bill in negotiations, but were added back in last week. We’ve heard that the many emails, articles, calls, and texts on this topic from Bay Area local elected officials and housing leaders like you were key to securing these provisions in the updated draft of the bill! BIG thank you to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and key California lawmakers for championing our affordable housing priorities in the Build Back Better Plan! |
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| | 2021 Annual Holiday Member Party |
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| Our annual holiday Member Party is less than one month away! You’re invited to join NPH members and others who work in the Bay Area’s affordable housing movement and industry on Thursday, December 9 at 5:00-6:00PM PST for a special evening, where we can socialize, enjoy live entertainment, and discuss strategy, policy, and program updates for 2022. |
| | Registration is free. Please RSVP no later than Monday, December 6 at 5pm PDT |
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| | Learning Opportunity: Media Interview Tips |
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| The Shift the Bay Initiative, a coalition-driven initiative to advance housing and racial justice in the Bay Area through strategic and research-based messaging and narrative tactics, is offering an upcoming learning opportunity one week from today: - Tips for Media Interviews, Wednesday, November 17 (12pm - 1:30pm) Do you speak to the media on behalf of your organization, or help others prepare for media interviews? If so, you won’t want to miss this special media training!
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| | MEMBER EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Member Perk! Have an event you'd like featured on the website? Please complete this form. |
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| | Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine Street, Suite 350 | San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160 | [email protected] |
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