Right to Repair agreement in place |

Dear John,
Take a break from the news cycle and winter weather, and enjoy some good news –
Repair vs. Replace Gets a Serious Boost
If you've been frustrated by the lack of options when it comes to repairing your electronic devices, you aren't alone.
As You Sow filed a resolution encouraging Microsoft to get onboard with the 'right to repair' movement. And they agreed! Kelly McBee, As You Sow's Waste Program Coordinator, said "This agreement will allow consumers to repair their Microsoft devices outside the current limited network of authorized repair shops." To dig into the details, click
here. Microsoft's agreement with As You Sow was picked up across nearly 40 earned media articles – check out the As You Sow press page here. Scroll down to the Grist article – the best story.
Electronics are the fastest growing waste stream in the world. This action is a strong step toward disrupting the industry's extractive, unsustainable take-make-dispose model.
Your support creates the pressure needed to compel corporations to live up to their words. As You Sow named #1 Top Corporate Watchdog 2nd Year in a Row!
Celebrate with us! Your support, partnership, and donations enable the impact that caused Ethos to name As You Sow #1 Top Corporate Watchdog two years running. We're in some serious company here – Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, Green America, Corporate Knights – all our good friends that are also doing good work. It takes a village.
Ethos is a FinTech platform helping investors and consumers align their spending with the causes they care about, including racial justice, climate change, and more.
It's nice to be recognized as effective – it puts a smile on our faces – as the work continues.
As You Sow's Danielle Fugere Honored
Ever wonder why people take a particular direction in life? A legal publication, 'Law 360 Pulse,' wrote about our President & Chief Legal Counsel Danielle Fugere's career path. From the beginning, Danielle's work focused on legal protections for the environment, either creating such protections or enforcing them. She joined As You Sow ten years ago, in
large part because "…As You Sow [is] directed at company action…[which] is absolutely necessary for change…, especially as Congress became paralyzed and the courts became more political."
Corporations will continue doing business no matter who is in office. The power they wield is enormous, including over those in office. Engaging directly with corporations is necessary to keep momentum on environment, sustainability, and social justice moving forward.
We're fortunate to have the support of forward thinking, generous people like you – and Danielle – working together for change!
Thank you for all you do. Continue to stay safe –and remember to be kind to yourself!
Yours for a long and sustainable future,
Betsy McMahon
Director, Shareholder Relations and Individual Giving
As You Sow
2020 Milvia St
Suite 500
Berkeley, CA 94704
Mailing address:
Main Post Office
PO Box 751
Berkeley, CA 94701
DISCLAIMER: As You Sow is not an investment advisor, nor do we provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. The content of our programming, publications and presentations is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as information sufficient upon which to base any decisions on investing, purchases, sales, trades, or any other investment transactions. We do not express an opinion on the future or expected value of any security or other interest and do not explicitly or implicitly recommend or suggest an investment strategy of any kind.
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