We want to hear why access to affordable, equitable healthcare is so important to you.


Hi Jack —

Despite Americans spending more on healthcare costs than any other developed nation, studies show that our country consistently ranks among the lowest in overall health outcomes.

One big reason for that is because special interests, including pharmaceutical and insurance companies, spend millions of dollars lobbying members of Congress to keep it that way.

That’s why we started HEAL PAC. We’re committed to electing leaders who clearly understand the issues and are willing to fight for an equitable, affordable healthcare system that focuses on people and works for all of us.

To do that well, we need to hear from you on why access to affordable, equitable healthcare is important to you. Please take a moment to share a story about an experience you’ve had with our healthcare system that had a real impact on you >>


We know there are significant barriers to accessing essential care for far too many communities. And, virtually every American knows all too well the difficulty of navigating our complicated insurance system of premiums, deductibles, and copays. All of these obstacles impact the overall efficacy of our healthcare system.

By working together with a focus on people, not on profits or special interests, we will bring effective evidence-based policies to the forefront to ensure everyone has access to high quality, affordable care.

Thank you for being a critical part of our team. Let’s get to work!

— Team HEAL