Friend — Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are still blocking equal rights at the federal level for LGBTQ+ Americans. In 2021.

Now more than ever, we need to pass the Equality Act. We cannot create the more just, loving nation we all aspire to so long as LGBTQ+ Americans remain unprotected from discrimination nationwide.

Friend, please add your name as a citizen cosponsor of the Equality Act. We must demand comprehensive federal legislation banning discrimination against LGBTQ+ Americans.


Every single American deserves full equality — period. For far too long, LGBTQ+ Americans have faced unparalleled disadvantages and discrimination for simply being true to themselves. And that’s especially true for transgender youth that GOP lawmakers cynically target to score cheap political points with their far-right base.

It’s time we right this wrong and ensure every individual is able to fully participate in American life without forgoing their identity.

If you’re with me, sign my petition and become a citizen cosponsor of the Equality Act. We must show the GOP that we won’t stand for their attacks on basic liberties.


There’s still so much work to achieve true justice and equality for all — but I’m confident with your support we can get it done.

— Cory