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In the past month, we’ve held nearly twenty events across New York State to demand our leaders deliver permanent protections for immigrants across the country. We’ve marched in Riverhead and Peekskill, launched television ads in D.C. and NYC, and occupied Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s block in Brooklyn. We’ve held seven vigils in communities across the state. We’ve rallied for months alongside our member organizations to uplift immigrant voices to those in power. 

We’ve made it clear that meaningful reform is essential for our immigrant communities—after thirty-four years of unfulfilled promises, we need a pathway to citizenship. It’s past time for our elected officials to hear our calls, and deliver permanent protections for 11 million. 

RSVP: 11 Miles for 11 Million
In a show of our strength across all of New York City, we are holding an 11 mile march for the 11 million immigrants who need a pathway to citizenship. Join us this Friday, November 12, between 9am and 4pm as we march from the Upper West Side to Park Slope to demand permanent protections from our representatives in Congress and the White House.

We’re the closest we’ve been in decades to securing a path to citizenship—but we need you to help us push this across the finish line before it’s too late. March with us for the 11 million immigrants across the country who deserve the freedom and security of citizenship.


In solidarity,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

Donate to Power Our Fight for Citizenship!
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA