Two Separate Nations: Developments in the State of Fascism and How That Is Shaping the Political Situation - Andy Zee in Conversation with Paul Street on the RNL Show
Andy Zee is host of the Revolution Nothing Less show and a spokesperson for Revolution Books. Paul Street is an author, historian, and his latest book is titled This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals, and the Trumping of America. Both are on the Editorial Board of

Refuse Fascism podcast #84
Uploaded November 7
Sam Goldman speaks with Elie Honig, legal analyst and former federal and state prosecutor on what we know about the January 6th insurrection and any
chances for real accountability (hint: the DOJ/Merrick Garland would
have to take action and there is zero indication that they are going to
do so). Read his book Hatchet Man: How Bill Barr Broke the Prosecutor’s Code and Corrupted the Justice Department.

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Elie Honig:
The charges that Merrick Garland and DOJ have brought against the January 6, rioters have been short. They've charged misdemeanors, trespassing, that kind of thing when felonies are, I believe, applicable to everyone who entered the capitol that day, and I can lay out why. And there is zero indication that they're taking any kind of serious look at anyone above the ground. Obviously, the people who stormed the Capitol, smashed the windows and all that, they're the easy targets. But Merrick Garland vowed during his confirmation that he would follow the evidence up as high as it goes, and wherever it may lead. I've not seen one iota of anything to indicate that they're looking in any serious way at Donald Trump and John Eastman and Mo Brooks and Rudy Giuliani and whoever else may have been involved.
Sam Goldman
The question that we can and should all be asking -- not that it's a tactic but a given political choice, like filibuster, no filibuster -- is what is the danger? How serious is this? And then from there, what's necessary flows from that recognition. I strongly agree that one's understanding, and if they're truly confronting what the danger is, then [Merrick Garland's] actions definitely are not commensurate. I wanted to reference a piece that you had written recently about Adolf Eichmann and his living legacy. You had mentioned the white supremacist massacre perpetrated by Dylann Roof at the Black church in Charleston, and the events in Charlottesville in August of 2017, the anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue and the coup on January 6 of this year. Do you see these as moments that hark back to a very scary time in history of 20th century fascism?
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