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Thursday, November 11 "Freedom's Disciple"
Our guest speaker, Jonathon Dunne, is here from Ireland to remind Americans that our nation did not become exceptional by chance or by accident. It happened because pilgrims risked everything to escape a tyrannical king. Then, 156 years later, our founders risked everything to declare our independence from England, but more importantly to redefine man’s relationship with man, and man’s relationship with the government. Now, 240 years later, America and the world need to be reminded of those inclusive principles, as the lines between man and government have become extremely blurred. Jonathon’s presentation will make a case for these principles and highlight how they are different from ideologies like socialism and places like Europe. His mission is to remind every American we are better than our government and that de Tocqueville sentiments were correct.
We will also have Chris Polone, owner of the Rail Club Live in Fort Worth Texas, with us to talk about the American Dream and what we must do to preserve it.