Hey there, John ––

I want to start with the obvious: last Tuesday was emotional for all of us.

When Open Progress was founded, we had a clear goal: to reach people where they are, to talk to them & not at them, and to fight for lasting, progressive change.

We didn't set out to win just one election. We didn't set out to feel great about the results of one night and then head home. We set out to build progressive power in the long term, not just for one or two election cycles.

Let's be real: Tuesday was tough. There can be no doubt about that. But our work isn't measured in election cycles––we're in this for the long haul, and that is because of you.

We couldn't be prouder of you, John, for the work you did in Virginia. We know the results aren't what we had hoped for, but you did the work, which is something you should be amazingly proud of.

Virginia's results were painful, but there was lots of good news on Tuesday, too––and it was good news you've helped lay the groundwork for.
  • We've texted in Georgia––and we flipped 41 municipal races from red to blue.
  • We've texted in Arizona––and one of the city's major cities approved a minimum wage raise.
  • We've texted in Pennsylvania––and voters there won major criminal justice reform to make the system more just and equitable.
We're in this for the long haul––not just an election cyle or two––and that's why we're so grateful for you, John. Tuesday was tough, but we know that our Text Troopers are tougher––and that's one of many reasons we're so grateful.

We'll be in touch soon to talk about ways to fight back, text more, and continue our progress, but for now, we want you to pat yourself on the back. Know that what you're doing makes a difference, even in tough times.

Know that Text Troop wouldn't be Text Troop without you, John.

Grateful, grateful, grateful,
Chris Donato
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