The last week has been bittersweet for me. On Tuesday, Democrats experienced a tough setback in the Virginia elections. On Friday, the House finally passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill that President Biden will soon sign into law. I’m sending you this note and my attached CNN interview to give you a sense of how I am thinking about both of these events, and to ask for your thoughts on our work moving forward.

The impact of our bipartisan infrastructure bill cannot be overstated -- $1.2 trillion will help communities here in Virginia and all over the country fix crumbling infrastructure that has not seen nearly enough federal investment.
But if we’d gotten this over the finish line back in August when we had our first chance of passage, or perhaps even a week earlier, I think we could have elected a Governor McAuliffe, Lieutenant Governor Ayala, and Attorney General Mark Herring here in Virginia.
The truth is, Democrats are delivering for Virginans and the American people. Included in this bill is money for improving Virginia’s transportation system, revitalizing our airports, and making sure every home in our Commonwealth has clean water, and broadband wireless internet connectivity.
Imagine if we’d had an opportunity to campaign on this bill for a week, or longer. It could have made a big difference.
We’ve just passed a monumental bill that will impact nearly every American. Hopefully Build Back Better legislation will soon follow. In 2020, people gave Democrats control of the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. They expected us to produce, and now we are producing. And we need to make sure every voter next year understands the impact these two pieces of legislation are going to have on their lives. If we don’t, we lose.
My point in writing to you today is not to reopen fresh wounds. And it’s not just to talk about what could have been. It’s to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes twice.
Please take a look at my conversation with Dana Bash on CNN about this issue and share your thoughts with me on our work going forward.
Our work to show the American people Democrats are working for them must start now, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this important issue.
Thank you,
Mark Warner