News from Representative Allred

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October 30, 2019

Dear John,

Listening to North Texas families is the most important part of my job as your Representative, and I hear from folks all the time about the need to secure our elections from the threat of foreign interference. Please take a second to share your thoughts with me by responding to my survey:

Should Congress pass laws to ensure American elections are decided by the American people? 

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As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I’m trying to work across the aisle to rid our elections of dark money and foreign interference. I believe Congress should put aside partisan differences and work together to stop foreign interference and protect our elections. Recently, I led the charge in passing the Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act to safeguard our elections against corruption. 

As your Representative, I will continue working to ensure that North Texas voices are heard and that our democracy is preserved for future generations. Please click the survey to share your views and join my email list for updates on my work for the 32nd district of Texas.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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