A CNN OP-ED yesterday by chess champion Garry Kasparov states "Our generation will either renew democracy -- or lose it forever." John, let's not lose our democracy forever.

THIS WEEK, we're partnering with Public Citizen and other allies nationwide to show senators that voters demand concrete progress in protecting our voting rights, including reforming the filibuster if that's what it takes to get the job done.

Click here to find a Freedom to Vote / Time To Act rally or media event in your area and RSVP to attend.

Then, please chip in $3 to our progressive lobbying arm, P Street, which is working with key allies in Congress to end the filibuster so Democrats can pass strong voting rights and democracy protections -- with or without Republicans.

The media will be present at many of these events. Big crowds will show that voters are engaged and will not accept NO as an answer.

WHAT: Freedom to Vote / Time To Act events including rallies and voting rights marches


WHERE: Over 60 cities nationwide, including one near you

Please join the voters demanding that democracy and voting rights be protected THIS WEEK at a Freedom to Vote / Time To Act event near you!

Then, please chip in $3 to our progressive lobbying arm, P Street, and our ongoing work to pass strong voting rights laws.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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