We couldn’t be more excited to be working with LUPE Votes on the ground in South Texas.

Ground Game Texas


A key aspect of our work at Ground Game Texas is to work with strong local partners who are rooted in Texas communities.

That’s why we are so excited to partner with LUPE Votes as we begin our campaign in the Rio Grande Valley to put a living wage on the local ballot. 

Before we explain why this partnership is so special, will you consider chipping just $5 or more to support our living wage campaign in South Texas? Your donation will help us fight to guarantee a living wage to thousands of public employees AND mobilize progressive voters before the 2022 midterms.

LUPE Votes is a sibling organization of La Unión del Pueblo Entero, or LUPE, a community union co-founded in 1989 by labor rights heroes César Chávez and Dolores Huerta to empower working-class communities to organize themselves. 

LUPE Votes is focused on electoral and political organizing to win justice for working-class South Texans — from Medicare for All to a living wage, public college, and immigration justice. 

Here’s what LUPE Votes Organizing Director Danny Diaz had to say about our campaign for a living wage in the Rio Grande Valley:

“The Rio Grande Valley consistently ranks amongst the lowest income regions in the country, while workers in the region continue to put Texas on its back during the pandemic...It’s time we build policies that reward these workers what they deserve, and a $15 minimum wage is a start. The City of Mission can lead the way in Texas, and 2022 is our opportunity to make it happen.

By partnering with LUPE Votes, Ground Game Texas will have a strong base of community support — LUPE has over 3,000 members in Hidalgo County alone! — and also gain strategic guidance from leaders on the ground.

Look, friend: DC consultants and political pundits may not like it, but this is how we create real political change in Texas: building local campaigns around popular, progressive issues, talking to voters year-round, and working with leaders and organizations with deep community roots. 

We have the blueprint to build the progressive Texas we deserve — all we need are the resources to make it happen. Will you chip in $5 or more today to support our campaigns, including our work with LUPE Votes to guarantee a living wage in the Rio Grande Valley?

Support Ground Game Texas

Thank you for making our work on the ground possible,

Ground Game Texas