
Last month, we asked you to vote on the worst vote Mike Garcia has taken -- the American Rescue Plan or the Violence Against Women Act.

And you all made your voices loud and clear -- voting no on the Violence Against Women Act is the worst vote Mike Garcia has taken.

Mike Garcia has continued to show CA-25 who he is -- a careless leader who doesn't represent this district. WIll you chip in to elect a different type of leader? Let's be honest, Mike Garcia is incapable of putting partisanship aside to fight for this district. When it comes down to choosing between his party and our district's values, he lets us down every time.

Instead, Mike courts the same special interest donors and corporate PACs with his votes, and thinks he can coast into office.

CA-25 deserves a representative who is accountable to the people who live and raise families here, not corporate special interests. That's why everyday people are backing Christy with small dollar donations because they know she'll fight for them.

It's clear that so many of you want to send Mike packing -- and we do too but to do that we're going to need to keep pace with him.

It's time for a leader who will guide us through tough challenges -- not vote against his own constituents. It's time to elect Christy Smith to Congress. Can you chip in now to help? Thank you for standing up for this district,

-- Team Christy