I consider it an honor and indeed a privilege to recognize our military Veterans. Veterans dedicated years of their lives to the service of something bigger than themselves. Military Veterans join the service for a multitude of reasons like patriotism, education, and opportunity to name a few. Whatever the reason for joining, the effect is the same.
Veterans serve the Nation and swear a legally binding Oath to “Support and Defend the Constitution,” and hence the rule of law “against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
At a base level, when you join the military, you are swearing an oath and saying that you are willing to put your life on the line when ordered to do so to protect the Nation, it’s assets, interests, allies, and the privileges of freedom, liberty, and independence we all know and enjoy!
Veterans sacrifice a measure of their own freedom and liberty in service of the Nation to ensure that the blessings of liberty are secure for future generations!
United States Military Veterans come from every walk of life, every race, every religious sect, and every geographical region.
But even given the vast diversity in ranks, military members manage to put differences aside and fight for the common goal of protection of our shared home, and liberality. The United States Military is a perfect representation of the American people. Like the Nation we defend, the military is a melting pot of culture, race, ethnicity, religion, and belief systems.
For example: Army Special Forces was created in collaboration with the Crow Nation, this is represented by the arrows in the Army Special Forces Insignia.